currently offers exclusive exam prep materials for pharmacy professionals, including both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
Choose from 1, 3, or 12-month passes and have access to 700+ (PTCE) to 2,500+ (NAPLEX) multiple choice questions with full explanations for both incorrect and correct answers.
Powered by A.S.A.P.® and ReadyScore Technologies, our proprietary adaptive learning software, integrated into every review course, PharmCon offers an unparalleled studying experience. Each review course begins with an assessment to track your current knowledge level. From there, A.S.A.P.® Technology is able to determine what content to show you based on your weak points, and it’s constantly adapting to your progress to continually serve you the content you need to study to successfully pass your exam. From there, ReadySCORE™ takes the guesswork out of passing by predicting what you’d score with incredible accuracy.
Click the below links for more information:
Pharmacists can study for their upcoming NAPLEX exam with either/both the NAPLEX REVIEW ESSENTIALS PASS or the QUESTION BANK.
Pharmacy technicians can study for their upcoming PTCE exam with either/both the PTCE REVIEW ESSENTIALS PASS or the QUESTION BANK.